These free printable color-in Purim puppets are adorable - and are a great functional alternative for kids coloring pages for the Jewish holiday of Purim. The characters can be used for anything really and are perfect for role play and pretend play activities for kids.

Free Printable Color-in Purim Puppets

Color your own Purim puppets to put on a show! Use it as a teaching tool to teach the story, a fun Purim party activity for kids or grown-ups, or just print them and have fun on your own. Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links.

These free printable color-in Purim puppets are adorable - and are a great functional alternative for kids coloring pages for the Jewish holiday of Purim. The characters can be used for anything really and are perfect for role play and pretend play activities for kids.

With Purim right around the bend (is it really only 3 weeks away?! Whoops!!) I wanted something fun for M to do at HOME. Even though he learns plenty about the holidays at his Jewish preschool, I think he feels special when he already knows what the teacher is talking about because we’ve done something together.

These free printable color-in Purim puppets are adorable - and are a great functional alternative for kids coloring pages for the Jewish holiday of Purim. The characters can be used for anything really and are perfect for role play and pretend play activities for kids.

Continue reading and download these Purim Puppets here.

In case you’re unfamiliar with the story (or can’t match my fictional drawings to the people featured in the Megillah) here they are from left to right:

  • Queen Vashti: The evil queen who worked her Jewish slave maids with a cruel fist. She was killed by her husband for not obeying him.
  • Haman: The primary villain of the story, with his infamous triangle shaped hat. He twisted events and facts so that the king agreed to kill out all the Jews.
  • Queen Esther: The hero of every little Jewish girl, Esther did not want to be queen but she was chosen to replace Vashti. She risked her life for her people and used her influence to save them.
  • Mordechai: The leader of the Jewish people at the time, a righteous man, who was also Esther’s uncle and guardian.
  • King Achashveirosh (Ahasuerus) – The foolish king of Persia at the time, who played along with Haman’s game, but was also willing to spare the Jews when he felt that Haman was trying to grab his crown – and when he found out that Esther is Jewish.

Here is a full rundown of the Purim story for those of you want it.

Continue reading and download these Purim Puppets here.

These free printable color-in Purim puppets are adorable - and are a great functional alternative for kids coloring pages for the Jewish holiday of Purim. The characters can be used for anything really and are perfect for role play and pretend play activities for kids.

Continue reading and download these Purim Puppets here.

Purim for Kids | Multicultural Kid Blogs

This post is part of our annual Purim for Kids blog hop. Visit the posts below for great ideas about sharing this holiday with the kids in your life! Don’t miss our blog hop from last year, and you can find even more ideas on our Purim board on Pinterest:

Participating Blogs on Multicultural Kid Blogs
Moms & Crafters
Kelly’s Classroom
Melibelle in Tokyo
All Done Monkey

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  1. Thank you so much! These adorable puppets are helping my kids to learn the Purim story so quickly!
    I’ve been searching for these for a long time!

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