Easy School Bus Craft from Popsicle Sticks
Make this easy school bus craft for back to school! Then check out more popsicle stick crafts for the whole family to enjoy. This post contains affiliate links.

It hit me hard the other day.
While school doesn’t begin for another few weeks for us, many people have already started. This is a big year for us. Y is going to first grade. And A is starting two year old playgroup.
That means that all my kids are going to be in some form of school, and both my boys are in elementary. Phew! Time to celebrate/mourn with a fun back to school activity: an easy school bus craft made from popsicle sticks!

This classic craft was made simpler by leaving the sticks the natural color. Of course you can paint them yellow if you’d like. But you really don’t need to. The yellow tone of the natural wood of craft sticks is good enough.

This craft is as simple as it gets: just put together craft sticks to form a school bus. You can use it to decorate your home to celebrate the new school year, make it with your kids to anticipate back to school and help ease nerves, or add photos instead of the black windows and a magnet to the back for a sweet take-home craft and gift for the parents in a classroom setting.

What you need to make the Easy School Bus Craft:
- Popsicle sticks – the wide tongue depressor kind
- White paper
- Black colored paper
- Marker
- Scissors
- Tacky glue – for a kid-friendly solution that holds well.
Optional: Yellow paint or paint sticks (I recommend Kwik Stix or Ooly Chunkies) if you need something fast drying.
How to make the Easy School Bus Craft:
1. You need two slightly shorter craft sticks. A grown up should cut off the curved end of one side plus about an inch.

2. A grown up should trim two more craft sticks on both ends so that they are almost as long as the width of five craft sticks.

3. Align three whole popsicle sticks and the two shorter ones from step 1 horizontally on a flat surface. The shorter ones should be on top, with the ends of all aligned on one side. Glue your two shorter craft sticks from step two vertically on top of all the craft sticks so that they connect them, but don’t stick out.

4. Cut the black paper into the following: three squares, two larger circles,
one long strip the length of the craft sticks, and one-half circle.

5. Cut out two smaller circles from the white copy paper. Make sure that they’re smaller than
the two black circles.

6. Paste the smaller circles on top of the larger circles to create the tires.

7. Attach the squares as windows and the strip below them.

8. Draw wheel spokes if you’d like.

Your easy school bus craft is complete! Where will you be crafting this, with whom? Comment below!