IF you're looking for the ultimate list of crafts for tweens you're in the right spot! So many ideas with a constantly updating list to get your tweenager's creativity going! #tweens #craftideas #teencrafts

Crafts for Tweens – 51+ Cool and Creative Ideas


In the years that I’ve been sharing here, I’ve done so many teen crafts, that I decided that it’s time to start focusing on some crafts for tweens. Granted, there’s lots of overlap, but since the tween range starts and ends sooner, I figured they need their own batch of ideas…


Looking for crafts for teen boys? I’ve got those too!


IF you're looking for the ultimate list of crafts for tweens you're in the right spot! So many ideas with a constantly updating list to get your tweenager's creativity going! #tweens #craftideas #teencrafts


Full disclosure: I don’t have teens OR tweens at home. My oldest is four.

But I also haven’t been a teen THAT long ago and I did so much crafting as a teen and tween – that’s when I really developed my craft sense.


So I decided to share with you some of my favorite crafts for tweens to get them involved in something that can be truly therapeutic as they’re entering that complicated stage of life…


At the end of this post, you’ll find a gallery featuring all the tween-ish posts on this website. But I also wanted to share with you some of my favorite collections I put together from my blog AND others that will fit with a specific need. I’ll be adding to this “master list” as a create more and build this collection. I hope you love it!


Crafts for Tweens (and teens too!) for specific needs:

For years, I did craft workshops at assorted tween birthday parties. They were always a huge hit – especially since the kids got to come home with a cool “gift” that they had made! When looking for birthday party crafts for tweens, find ideas with an easy assortment of materials that you can lay out, keeping it open -ended. You’ll find more party crafts for teens and tweens here.


Tweens are at the perfect age to adopt a new skill. Find craft projects for tweens that either teach that new skill (knitting, jewelry making, you name it!) Or, just teach them to experiment with the materials at hand and create something unique!


Sometimes the budget can be tight – but don’t give up yet! One of the most inexpensive craft materials out there is paper, and the possibilities are endless. It’s not too hard to find some fun crafts for tweens with paper if you look!


School starting soon and got some more summer break time to kill? Try some back to school crafts for tweens and teens – you’ll get plenty of cool fashion and school supplies ideas to try!


When you want something open-ended and possibly to learn a new art concept or two, my favorite art projects for tweens are the way to go! Start with a basic tutorial and make it your own, learning and having fun as you go.



Over 51 Crafts for Tweens to make:


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What are your favorite crafts for tweens? Comment below!

Love to share cool, crafty ideas? Join the Sisterhood of Crazy Crafters (free) here!


IF you're looking for the ultimate list of crafts for tweens you're in the right spot! So many ideas with a constantly updating list to get your tweenager's creativity going! #tweens #craftideas #teencrafts


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